Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Valleys, Mountain Tops, and a Prayer

Week 2.  While last week I was able to reflect with humor the frustrations of moving and trying to ease into a new environment, this week I just can't muster the same feelings.  I have to ask why it was that we did this.  I suppose part of it is that I have worked myself nearly into illness for four weeks packing, unpacking, running errands, and trying to make life work in general.  Honestly, much of my life the last few weeks has been spent in the valleys and not on any mountain top.  I feel fragile right now.  And drained.  Even angry at times. I've nearly reached my limit today.  I still haven't taken care of all the business I need to. No license, cars not registered, kids not enrolled in school.  All these things are linked and have to be done in a certain sequential order.  And we are still waiting for my husband's paycheck (from his former employer) that was supposedly mailed last Friday and awaiting answers as to why it has not shown up.  I have trust this merely a coincidence?

I don't mean to complain, and I am stopping myself from revealing the entire tragic list.

I desperately need of a few blessings and/or miracles. A dose of faith and ton of good fortune wouldn't hurt either.  And a million bucks, of course.  I realize I am not the only one, and some of you may be in similar need.  I will say a prayer of blessing for you, dear readers.  May I ask you to pray for me also? 

This is the benediction from church this past Sunday.  It is part of what I pray for you:

"Irish Blessing"
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind blow at your back
May the sun shine warmly on your face
May the rain fall softly on your field
And until we meet again, until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Place You've Read About

I could probably blog for days about the experiences I have had moving.  It's been an experience like no other.  And that phrase you've heard about "if it could go wrong, it did", well, yeah, that's pretty much true. We got here on Sunday evening.  It was pouring rain.  All the neighbors managed to find an excuse to come out and gawk at us poor fools unpacking a 26' Uhaul in the rain.  Not a one came over to help.  Southern hospitality??  On day three the sewer backed up because no one had lived in this house for 5 months, and things dry up and stop up after a while.  The inner compartments of the refrigerator are broken.  And the vent on the microwave.  And the garbage disposal was broken.  And although I brought my own washer and dryer, they're not hooked up yet.  Washer and dryer don't work much better than the rest.  But I do like it here, really.

The red tape here is so intricate.  When it comes to establishing yourself, you begin to wonder what comes first.  You can't get a driver's license with less than four forms of identification: something that proves residency, previous license, SS card, birth certificate, marriage certificate (if your name is different than on birth certificate).  Proofs of residency are very specific, but if I have a weapons permit I can get a license.  Handy if I am going to take it on the road Bonnie and Clyde style.  You have to have a driver's license to register and title your car, but the license application wants to know if you have any untitled autos at your residence.  Both titles are in Kenny's name. I can't enroll my kids in school without 6 pieces of identification.  Yesterday, the store where I paid CASH for a sofa called.  They wanted to confirm delivery.  They also asked if I had closed on my house or signed a lease yet before they delivered.  I hope so, since I've lived here a week.  All the same, I paid CASH!  If I want you to leave the sofa on the porch, what do you care, lady?  But I do like it here, really.

Maybe people who move to Ohio from other states have to go through all this stuff?

This is the kind of place you read about.  A small southern town.  The police department actually sets up a cruiser at the edge of town with a dummy in it all day to deter speeders.  I am not kidding.  A lot of folks drive through here to get to the beach.  It's not Mayberry, mind you.  It has modern conveniences and hip little establishments.  It's artsy and horsey.  The Carolina Cup takes place here.  There are antebellum homes and new subdivisions.  If you read southern chick fiction, you will read about a place like this.  And you might not think it truly exists.  Oh, but it surely does.  You won't just run across it, and you have to go looking for it.  It is the kind of place where I always wanted to lead a peaceful life.  And it will be peaceful, as soon as I can acclimate.  I do like it here, really, ya'll.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Blog Post I've Been Waiting to Write

It's certainly been a while...  One of the last entries was about change, and I said I would be experiencing lots of change soon.  I find myself and my family in the midst of "soon'-- a whirlwind of change.

We are moving to sunny South Carolina in four--yes four--days!  If you knew me well in high school and beyond, you know that I have always said it is my dream to live in South Carolina.  After 30 years, I wasn't sure that I would ever get there.  Saying goodbye to life here is bittersweet.  Although we are sad to leave behind our friends, we are excited about new life in a new place.  We are so ready for this change.  (I will share the events leading up to this later.)

I sit here surrounded by boxes and piles and chaos.  These are things that I normally find stressful. But today, I have adopted a new perspective and find a certain comfort in the end this mess brings.  It's a good thing, because I am fairly certain that we will live in this jumbled state for about three more weeks.  The air is tinged with excitement, while my body is filled with physical and mental exhaustion.  I wonder how I will get it all done myself while my husband travels.  I will because God always gives me strength and the help of others to get the job done.  I have surprised myself by the lack of tears I have shed.  Maybe because I am so busy?  Maybe because, despite the bumps in the road and the unpredictable possibilities, I have never once questioned this decision.  This is the thing we are to do.

My schedule over the next few days may keep me from writing, but I will pick this blog-writing quest back up and with greater force once I have settled in.  This graceful path is leading me to South Carolina.  I hope you will follow me and my new adventures there!