It's been over a week since my last post, and the thoughts still swirl about my head. I suppose one could argue that I would have plenty to write about with all that pondering going on, but I think all bloggers edit what we share prior to sitting down at the keyboard. My blog is a genuine glimpse into my life, but not all my thoughts go here--sometimes for my own good, sometimes for yours. Often, it's a matter of timing and what's appropriate when. Having put that out there, I realize it makes you wonder what on earth I am talking about. I will share my thoughts over time. (Patience is not my virtue either, I must admit.)
Today my thoughts are rather random.
First, I hope that everyone had a lovely Easter. This Easter I decided to bake and take a hummingbird cake to my parents for dinner. Easter dinner included all sorts of yummy food, including the required ham and deviled eggs. Here's the cake. I used the recipe featured in Southern Lady magazine-- a great magazine, by the way.
Secondly, I am rather fascinated with extreme couponing and the folks who do it. I suspect my food choices and the coupons offered don't match up too well, so my savings would be rather minimal. I do use coupons as much as possible, but I think about challenging myself to planning meals and shopping according to the sales and coupons one week. It must be pretty exhilarating to shop for the whole month on what I spend in one week. Think of what I could save doing this just one week a month. Hmmm?
Thirdly, as I sit here I am watching TV. It is something I don't do a whole lot of, and I am tuned into Food TV, which is in line with my typical fare. (Oh, that was unintentionally punny!) Anyway, a PopTart commercial came on several minutes ago, and it rather appalled me. And not because of the complete lack of nutritional value or the overabundance of preservatives and artificial flavors. It was the advertising technique. The song playing was "I'm Too Sexy" and the implication is that choosing the right flavor adds to your sex appeal. Now, I know plenty of adults eat PopTarts, but the target crowd is the under 12 set. One of the last things I want is for advertisers to use sex to sell breakfast food to three year-olds. And I do not want to witness a toddler in the grocery aisle singing said song as he picks out his strawberry toaster treats. (I really have nothing against PopTarts and have in the past indulged in the cinnamon frosted variety. They are rather tasty. It's the advertising that makes me crazy!) I have to add here that if this commercial is targeted to the adult audience, that a significant amount of irony lies in the fact that the consumption of toaster treats may add several un-sexy inches to the adult waistline rather quickly. Just sayin'.
Well, I am sure that you have had enough of my random wonderings for now. I hope you have a wonderful day!